SYGENE is a highly accreditated alliance regulated by the French GENEALOGISTES DE FRANCE.

Our Work
True alliance of professional genealogists, sharing the same values, united in the exercise of the same profession, the members of the Sygene intervene in many fields of Law and History.
From the search for heirs, to the search for ancestors, from land research to the facilitation of conferences, each of our members puts at the service of its clients an offer of services adapted and personalized, taking into account the particularity of the demand.
Being a member of the Sygene also means offering real guarantees to its clients.
Each member is insured under professional civil liability and within the framework of their specific mandate of representation, the estate genealogists members of the Sygene can hold funds on behalf of their constituents. As such, they all have Financial Guarantee coverage and bank accounts dedicated exclusively to the holding of these third-party funds. Their management of these client funds is the subject of a double audit by the public accountant or statutory auditor of each firm on the one hand and by an annual independent audit carried out by KPMG on the other hand, in compliance with the provisions laid down within the Genealogists of France of which SYGENE is a founding member.
Each member also benefits from the services of a Data Protection Officer, guaranteeing the compliance of its computerized processing with the law "informatique et libertés" of 6 January 1978 and the GDPR. (remember to add the GDPR in the insurance box on another page of the site).
Regular internal control ensures a constant quality of services. The Sygene is also the historical partner and co-founder of the Union of Genealogists of France, the only federating body and representative of the profession.

Code of Conduct
The following document lays out the code of conduct by which professional probate and family genealogists abide in their relations with clients, advisors and heirs, as well as with other professionals, public and private archive workers, and their colleagues.


Statutes, Rules & Regulations
The following documents in french may be downloaded and consulted at length