You have been contacted by a Professional Probate Research Genealogist Firm, either from
the UK or from abroad (France, Spain, Germany, Europe, US, etc).
When a person passes away known legally, as dying inestate, their estate goes to their closest living relations. Notwithstanding, in your case, no close relatives are known.
Through internationally conducted heir research, you are believed to be legally entitled to a share of an estate, and you are have been identified having a possible relationship to a deceased. Nevertheless, you are either unaware of the relationship to the deceased or you remember an indefinite memory of a distant relative.
You are not sure if it handles of a legitimate claim and you might need for reassurance:
Check the details of the firm and of the affiliate memberships or alliances of professional genealogists, either in the UK or abroad
Get in touch with the probate firm by quoting your case reference, enabling to cross-reference their researched informations with yours. Or request the the alliance for more infomation. Any information you can give or cross-reference with the Probate firm may help ensure any individual entitlement.
Eventually, if you still feel unsure, forward the request to your Solicitor, Attorney or Legal Adviser asking him/her to check with the probate firm. If you are still unsure, send a copy of the request you have received to the Probate Firm or the affiliated alliance and they will take a look.
To distinguish clearly a legitimate request from an untruthful request, please note some main facts:
You should never be asked to advance money up front You shoud never be asked to pay for the purchase of documents, for instance birth, death or marriage certificates. You shoud never be asked to deposit any assets or monies in an account to test a transaction. You should never be asked to give out your card details If a service pack and/or percentage agreement is being proposed, there should be no up front expenses : no inheritance, no charge. You should only be asked that the Probate Firm will be paid through the pre-agreed fee agreement, only if and until when you will receive a share of the estate. You should never have to pay any Solicitors or Civil Law Notaries costs : they are paid out of the estates assests and not by the heir personnally.
By location, by area of specialism or by member, you can find the contact details of the right professional who can assist you.

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