Tracking down relatives or other beneficiaries may be difficult and time consuming. A Probate Firms expertise is centered on
understanding and knowledge and will be able to assist the clients in dealing with any issues arising from unclaimed inheritances,
from tracing legal owners, heirs to property.
These are the main services of Probate Genealogy Firms
Additional services:
Are you a professional
Asking the assistance of Probate Genealogist Firm offers you the following main services :
Administer estates and ensure correct distribution for estates in which heirs are unknown or in which Research Service and/or
Family Tree Verification and/or supplementary documentary are needed.
Trace, identify and locate missing heirs upon intestacy or names beneficiaries

Liability Insurance
All SYGENE members are affiliated with professional civil liability insurance as well as the services of an IT and Freedom Advisor guaranteeing the compliance of their processing with CNIL directives.
Within the framework of their specific representation mandate, the estate genealogists who are members of Sygene and are required to hold client funds, have a financial guarantee. Sygene is a member of the Genealogists of France and signatory of the partnership agreement with the Superior Council of Notaries.
Reminder: The estate genealogist intervenes on mandate, in compliance with article 36 of law no. vacancy or escheat, no one may engage in or assist in the search for an heir in an open succession or one of which an asset has been omitted during the settlement of the succession if he does not hold a given mandate to this end. The mandate can be given by any person who has a direct and legitimate interest in the identification of the heirs or the settlement of the succession. No remuneration, in any form whatsoever, and no reimbursement of costs is due to persons who have undertaken or have lent themselves to the aforementioned operations without having been previously authorized for this purpose under the conditions of the first paragraph.

By location, by area of specialism or by member, you can find the contact details of the right professional who can assist you.